This evening I noticed a Norfolk Southern Maintenance of Way ballast cleaning train tied down in the siding at Linden on the NS B-Line. Here are a couple photos.
Norfolk Southern train 289 is seen today passing by the control point named Woods in Front Royal, Virginia as the train heads east on the NS B-Line. NS often names their control points after people and I believe that was…
Norfolk Southern train 27A is seen crossing the Potomac River from Maryland into Shepherdstown, West Virginia from the scenic Rumsey Monument vantage point. This is on the ex-N&W Shenandoah Valley Line. Of note, there are a couple special Hub Group…
This morning I got a nice surprise seeing Norfolk Southern ballast trainĀ 93X with NS AC44C6M 4727 running long hood forward. The train was heading eastbound and stopped short of Happy Creek Rd between Woods and Cody on the NS B-Line.…
Today, Norfolk Southern train 274 with a mixed freight consist was led west by NS ES-44AC 8147, ES-44AC 8114 (the original Norfolk & Southern heritage unit), ES-44DC 7679 and D9-44CW 9749. The scene is in Belle Meade, Virginia located between…
Sometimes it seems like weeks can go by with nothing very interesting to see, but then heritage units come by two days in a row. That was the case this weekend where I caught the Monongahela Railway heritage unit leading…
A Loram Rail Grinder set is grinding the rails of the Norfolk Southern B-Line today. Rail grinders are used to restore the profile of worn rails. Here are a photo and video of the set working west at Linden, Virginia.…
I went out to the NS B-Line Appalachian Trail crossing this morning to watch Norfolk Southern train 12R. The Penn Central heritage unit and an ex-Southern Railway high-hood GP38-2 were trailing motors. The train was reported to have two cabooses,…
Norfolk Southern train 578 is led by NS SD70ACe 1068 (the Erie Railroad heritage unit) east upgrade through Linden, Virginia this morning pulling a train of loaded export coal. A photo and video are below. Photo Video