Tag: AC44C6M

NS 4003 (Red Mane) Leads Train 25A

Today, Norfolk Southern train 25A was led by NS AC44C6M 4003, painted in an experimental red mane scheme applied at the Roanoke Shops, east on the B-Line through Front Royal, Virginia. Here is a photo and video: Photo Video

NS 053 Military Train

Yesterday, Norfolk Southern train 053 came through on the B-Line with military vehicles and supplies led by NS AC44C6M #4102. Photos and video are below. Photo Video

NS 203 Running Around NS 201 at Berryville

I drove up to Berryville, Virginia today on the Norfolk Southern Shenandoah Valley Line and found southbound NS train 201 waiting at a stop signal. I thought perhaps 201 was waiting for a meet with a northbound train, but the…

NS 779 with Mid-train and Rear DPUs

Norfolk Southern train 779 with empty PGNX hoppers is over two miles long climbing Linden Hill on the NS B-Line in Virginia led by AC44C6Ms 4446 & 4370 with mid-train DPUs ES-44AC 8180 & SD70ACC 1834 and rear DPUs ES-44ACs…

NS #4002 leads train 227 up Linden Hill

NS 227 is led by AC44C6M #4002 (special horse's mane paint scheme) at Belle Meade, VA on 1/24/21.

Here’s a photo and video from today at Belle Meade on the B-line of Norfolk Southern train 227 climbing Linden Hill with a long train led by NS AC44C6M #4002 in a special horse’s mane paint scheme. Photo Video

NS 92Q and 211

Working from home today, I saw a heads-up from Rob that Norfolk Southern train 92Q had an SD40-2 leading and was dropping some empties off on the Front Royal spur. Trying to time my lunch break, I found the train…

NS #4000 Leading Train 211

Yesterday Norfolk Southern AC44C6M #4000 leds train 211 east past Markham, Virginia on the B-line. #4000 is painted with an experimental blue mane paint scheme. A photo and video are below: